session details, tips, and answers


View The Outfit Inspiration Guide ⟶

Now that your session date is confirmed (YAY!),  you should start planning for it right now! This means you decide on a desired color scheme and plan coordinated outfits. When your outfits match, your photos will feel more cohesive.

step 01: start planning

View The Session Checklist ⟶

Session day can be stressful and exciting, but I promise there is nothing to be nervous about! All I ask is that you come prepared, stay open-minded, and trust that I will take care of the rest!

step 02: Session day

View Gallery Portal Home ⟶

Once I have collected your finished photos, I will place them inside my gallery portal and send you a direct link to your own photo gallery. From this portal, you can purchase and download your keepsake photos.

step 03: Gallery Delivery

View Album Details & Order ⟶

Photos weren't meant to be stored on your device. They should be admired in your home and bring warmth into your life. Your one-of-a-kind album will be perfectly crafted to showcase your photos and protect your memories.

step 04: Order album

next ⟶
⟵ prev.

the process



bring any water, toys, snacks, etc. for kids

confirm your session's payment

plan coordinated outfits for everyone

select your clothing color palette

prepare for your session by fulfilling each of these items:

session checklist


trust me as your expert photographer

relax, have fun, and just be you

You've made it to session day! As you approach your session, keep in mind these 2 things:



Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee. Sweet roll chupa chups pie tart candy lollipop cotton candy candy. Cake chupa chups dessert. Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee.

06. Your fifth frequently asked question will go here on these different lines.

Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee. Sweet roll chupa chups pie tart candy lollipop cotton candy candy. Cake chupa chups dessert. Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee.

05. Your fifth frequently asked question will go here on these different lines.

Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee. Sweet roll chupa chups pie tart candy lollipop cotton candy candy. Cake chupa chups dessert. Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee.

04. Your fourth frequently asked question will go here on these different lines.

Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee. Sweet roll chupa chups pie tart candy lollipop cotton candy candy. Cake chupa chups dessert. 

03. Your third frequently asked question will go here on these different lines.

Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee. Sweet roll chupa chups pie tart candy lollipop cotton candy candy. Cake chupa chups dessert.

02. Your second frequently asked question will go here on these different lines.

Liquorice chocolate bar pudding sugar plum biscuit toffee. Sweet roll chupa chups pie tart candy lollipop cotton candy candy. Cake chupa chups dessert.

01. Your first frequently asked question will go here on these different lines.

Have a question? I've got an answer! And if you don't see your question here, please reach out via email:

